Worship Ministries
“Liturgy” means the work of the people. We invite all people to serve during worship because by doing this we make the body of the incarnate Christ present through us. To accommodate the various rites of worship, our people participate in the following worship ministries:
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the church for worship. They take care of the maintenance and preparation of a church’s altar and its furnishings.
Service Minister – 8 am
During our quiet, contemplative Rite I service, the service minister assists the presider with all aspects of worship. The service minister lights the candles, reads the lessons and prayers, and distributes communion.
Helping Hands – 9:30 am
In order to accommodate the busy schedules of parents with children, during our Rite III contemporary service, worship leaders volunteer during the service. Responsibilities include preparing the font, leading the procession by carrying the banners, collecting the offertory, ringing the sanctus bells, distributing communion, and assisting the Altar Guild with service preparations and clean up.
Acolyte – 11 am
During our Rite II Choral Eucharist, acolytes light the candles, lead the procession, help proclaim the Gospel, and assist in preparing the altar for communion.
Lector – 11 am
During our Rite II Choral Eucharist, lectors present the Hebrew and Christian scripture.
Prayer leader – 11 am
During our Rite II Choral Eucharist, the prayer leader invites and leads the congregation in the prayers of the people.
Lay Eucharistic Minister – 11 am
During our Rite II Choral Eucharist, the Lay Eucharistic Minister, sometimes called the “LEM,” distributes wine during communion.
Healing Minister – 11 am
During our Rite II Choral Eucharist, healing ministers pray and anoint the faithful in our chapel during Holy Communion.
Usher – 11 am
During our Rite II Choral Eucharist, ushers welcome worshipers.
Lock up
At the conclusion of worship, Lock-up ensures the church is secure.