
Everything on our beautiful church campus is paid for by the people of St. Christopher’s. Our worship, our music, our Sunday School, our outreach, our staff, our buildings and every candle is made possible by the generosity of our church members, friends, and supporters. While St. Christopher’s has investments to ensure our long-term stability, the money to keep the lights on and the liturgy running and the power on comes from the paid pledges and donations of people just like you. On a practical level, pledge income pays the electric and heating bills, and maintenance on our 100-year-old-plus building. It allows your priest and staff, including the parish administrator, music ministers, and Christian education director, to be paid fair salaries. Your support also aids in outreach, both through St. C’s and through the diocese, and in funding activities for children, youth, and adult formation. Please give now so that we can continue to build the Kingdom of God together.

Make a Pledge

To be a steward of St. Christopher’s means making a personal thanksgiving offering to God in the form of a recorded financial pledge to the work of God through this …

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Pay My Pledge

Thank you for your generosity.

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