An Advent Reflection from Terri Lackey

Advent Reflection:
Terri Lackey provides her perspective on Advent for this third Sunday:
“We have strict rules in our house regarding Christmas. The tree goes up Advent 3 and comes down on Epiphany. You might guess that those aren’t my rules. I live with (and am married to) an Episcopal priest. If it were up to me, the tree and ornaments would be left in the storage cage. And eventually taken to Goodwill. I’m called Scrooge a lot in this season.
The rules are not as strict when it comes to Advent music. When you are lamenting Christmas songs played at Halloween, I hear Advent tunes through our stereo speakers (as I do throughout the year). Advent music makes my spouse happy. And you know what they say: Happy Husband; Happy Wife.
Truthfully, the Advent music puts me in a worshipful mood. And I’ll take any tool that helps me feel closer to God. I grew up as a Southern Baptist, so Advent didn’t have much meaning for me. But as a priest’s partner, I’ve come to know the meaning of Advent as preparation: for Christ’s birth and for Christ’s coming again.
While we, as the church, observe Advent one short season and see it as the beginning of the liturgical year, I welcome Advent music in every season. It reminds me that each day signals a new beginning, a birth.”
–Terri Lackey