Beyond Hunger

Beyond Hunger
For over 40 years, Beyond Hunger has provided hunger-relief programming and services to 13 zip codes across Cook County, including Oak Park and surrounding communities. St. Christopher’s has actively supported Beyond Hunger’ mission for the last decade. On the second Saturday of each month, St. C’s has a dedicated spot for about 10 parishioners to spend a couple of hours at the Saturday food distribution.
Individual St. C’s parishioners also donate their time for other shifts at Beyond Hunger, which has two food distributions each week, but available shifts six days a week. In addition, St. C’s youth periodically use formation time after worship to learn the importance of outreach and charity by packing supplies which are distributed at Beyond Hunger.
St. C’s has also participated in Beyond Hunger’s annual CAN-DO Challenge, where local schools, churches and other organizations “compete” to see who can collect the most food over a month.
Over the years, Beyond Hunger has also been the recipient of special offerings from St. C’s, like from the collection at Lessons and Carols.
For information about this ministry, contact us at [email protected].