The Rev. George Arceneaux IV called as the 10th rector of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church

On behalf of the vestry, I’m delighted to announce the unanimous election of the Rev. George Arceneaux IV as the 10th rector of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, effective August 21, 2023.
Those of you who have been at St. Christopher’s for a few years will know George, as he served as our ministerial intern from January 2018-January 2020. George is currently the associate rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Milwaukee, where he has served since August 2021.
George is thrilled to have the opportunity to come back to St. Christopher’s. He gave me permission to quote a paragraph from his application cover letter, in which he talks about his love for this place:
“As we begin this conversation, it is hard for me not to testify to what you at St. Christopher’s have given me. Since leaving, I have ministered to hundreds. I have stood by families as they have said goodbye to a parent. I have baptized children and welcomed them into the church and accompanied people as they have transitioned gender. I have run VBC and made youth games based on Nickelodeon’s Legends of the Hidden Temple and I have stood by parishioners amidst community organizers to affect better housing rights for the disaffected. I am the minister I am today because of St. Christopher’s, and I don’t forget that.”
As you know, this appointment comes after an 18-month process of search committee discernment, prayer, interviewing, communication, meetings, and more. After reviewing many applications, and conducting many interviews, the committee was unanimous in their recommendation of George.
I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Emily Culbertson and Marilyn Huebel, the co-chairs of the search committee, and search committee members Maya Ganguly, Mary Kay Tobin, Peter Walters, and Bill Urso for the outstanding work they have done throughout this process. They have put in countless hours over the last 18 months, and I hope they will all take a well-deserved vacation.
I also want to thank Rev. Kevin Goodman for being an outstanding leader over the past 20 months. We will all have the opportunity to say “see you soon” to Kevin on July 30 as we recognize him for all he has done for St. C’s and its members. I am personally grateful to Kevin for being such a great partner to me and my past and current warden partners, Jenn Urso and Mark Schneider.
Please join me in welcoming George and his wife, Fiona Chisholm, back to St. Christopher’s.
Kindest regards,
Deb Maue, senior warden