- No events scheduled for October 7, 2024.
- No events scheduled for October 8, 2024.
- No events scheduled for October 9, 2024.
- No events scheduled for October 11, 2024.
- No events scheduled for October 12, 2024.
Week of Events
Worship – Rite I Contemplative Eucharist
Worship – Rite I Contemplative Eucharist
Worship on Sundays at St. Christopher’s begins at 8:00 AM when we share a traditional Rite I Eucharist with liturgical flow and language that have changed little in the 100-plus …
St. Christopher’s Cafe
St. Christopher’s Cafe
Gather for pancakes, fellowship, and coffee on the first Sunday of each month. Breakfast is served from 9:00AM - 10:00AM.
Worship – Rite III Wiggle Worship Contemporary Eucharist
Worship – Rite III Wiggle Worship Contemporary Eucharist
Our contemporary eucharist is grounded in the belief that all should feel welcomed and accepted as who they are. “Wiggle Worship” is a Rite III Eucharist geared toward younger children …
Worship – Rite II Choral Eucharist
Worship – Rite II Choral Eucharist
Our 11 am service is a Rite II Choral Eucharist which uses both The Book of Common Prayer and approved liturgical materials from Enriching Our Worship. Forms of the Eucharistic …
Finance Committee Meeting 7PM – 8PM
Vestry Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting
The Thursday night group is Al-Anon, a 12-step program which is a fellowship that helps friends and families of alcoholics. We meet from 7:30pm to 8:30pm in Room 1 in the basement and there may be 8 to 10 people attending in the Church each week. We keep books and other literature in the room, …