Worship – Rite III Wiggle Worship Contemporary Eucharist

Our contemporary eucharist is grounded in the belief that all should feel welcomed and accepted as who they are. “Wiggle Worship” is a Rite III Eucharist geared toward younger children and their families, but welcomes all people of all ages. We listen and discuss God’s Good News, sing and pray together, and share Christ’s bread …

Event Series Worship – Rite II Choral Eucharist

Worship – Rite II Choral Eucharist

Our 11 am service is a Rite II Choral Eucharist which uses both The Book of Common Prayer and approved liturgical materials from Enriching Our Worship. Forms of the Eucharistic Prayer change seasonally and the Prayers of the People weekly. This service typically lasts an hour to one hour and 15 minutes and is accompanied …